• March 30, 2018
  • Uncategorized

Achieving Your Goals! (without using willpower)

Hey rockstar!

This is the last week in our series on falling in love with your future. I’m stoked to be sharing how you can cheat the system to get the results you want- but without relying on willpower alone. This is not only easier, but also more effective…. which is a total win-win if you ask me ;).

If you’ve tried multiple times to get a specific outcome but aren’t seeing the results you want, it’s time to switch up your approach. I used to think the approach I took towards my goal didn’t matter, as long as I could grit my teeth and eventually get the result I needed.

I know better now.

Not only is that not a loving way to treat ourselves, but it also compromises the final outcome. When we ignore our thoughts and feelings on the way to our dreams, we make it so much harder for ourselves. That’s why I’m teaching you how to leverage the insane power of your own thoughts, to get the results you want down the line-while feeling inspired and enthusiastic the whole time!

….And to everyone I’ve met on the US leg of the Turn Your Pain Into Art Tour-THANK YOU! You truly made it the best tour of our lives (they honestly just keep getting better), and I am honored to have such a brilliant group of listeners in my corner. Sending you lots of love and gratitude.

I’m sad that part of the tour is over, but looking forward to the European leg starting in a few weeks!

In the mean time, if you need me, I will be soaking in a tub with a chilled beverage and plenty of candles.

Peace out!!


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