Here’s some real talk…
I’m always telling my audience to do what lights them up. And you know what?
Speaking lights ME up.
There is nothing I love more than teaching and inspiring an audience that their dreams and goals are within reach. That they can learn to feel better. That they have what it takes to activate their tribe. That they can have it all.
When I’m asked to speak at an event, I keep a couple things in mind:
I refuse to be boring.
I refuse to waste the audience’s time.
I never show up looking anything less than fabulous.
I know that the most important thing to do is to offer value, cut through the noise, and give my audience the mindset, skills and tools they need.
And I know it works.
Women have approached me to say my talk was the most valuable take away of the weekend. Grown men have come up to me crying, thanking me for changing their life. Event coordinators have pulled me aside to say the my presentation was the best talk of the week.
I take none of it for granted. In my time touring the world and performing in front of tens of thousands of people, I’ve learned that everything is about connection. About getting over myself, being honest, and offering something helpful. Because it’s all about giving it that extra sparkle, showing up and giving it my all.
All love,