• July 27, 2018
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Plan Your Life Goals Like a Boss!

Hello darling! I have been IN THE ZONE this summer. I decided this is my time to go to the *next level*, to show up for my life in every way, to drop all limiting excuses and be all in. …And I am quickly realizing that the way successful people got that way is by … Read more

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  • July 20, 2018
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Papercut by Linkin Park Cover

One year ago today we lost Chester Bennington of Linkin Park. I know it has been a hard year for many of you, so I wanted to create something to celebrate his life today. Papercut is one of my favorite LP songs, and I really enjoyed putting together this arrangement in honor of Chester’s life and … Read more

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  • July 13, 2018
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How to Deal With Overwhelming Emotions

Hey lovelies! Ever have those moments…where your emotions are at a level ten and you feel super crazy and you’re not sure what’s going on but you just want to escape life and move to an island and eat chocolate covered macadamia nuts all day? Me too. I actually used to have those moments embarrassingly … Read more

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  • July 9, 2018
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If You Love Yourself-Make this your TOP Priority

Let me ask you something:  What is most important to you? What is your NUMBER ONE priority? The thing that gets the most of your attention…your focus…your resources…your time.  Is it your family? Maybe your job? Or maybe finishing school? Here’s a crazy idea: What if…you made your emotional well-being your top priority. Just for … Read more

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  • June 30, 2018
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Six Things You Don’t Know About Me

I have searched far and wide in my brain to find SIX NEW THINGS you probably don’t know about me! These videos get harder and harder the longer I do this…I feel like you know me pretty freaking well at this point! Check out this week’s episode to learn how I got the scar between … Read more

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  • June 23, 2018
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The Work by Byron Katie: My Version Part 2

Part Two is here! If you enjoyed watching Part One (if you missed it, catch up here), this next one gets even more crazy awesome. Last week, we took a belief I had and examined it using the questions contained in Byron Katie’s “The Work”. The statement we examined together is my belief, “When people … Read more

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  • June 16, 2018
  • Inspiration

The Work by Byron Katie: My Version Part 1

Ok you guys. This week is a big one. I am for real *bursting at the seams* to share this with you. Today, I am introducing you to the life-changing process of something called “The Work”, created by a woman named Byron Katie. I have been applying her process of The Work to my life … Read more

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  • June 8, 2018
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Things I’ve Learned from my Etsy shop!

In today’s highly requested video, I’m breaking down what I have learned over the past several years of running a successful Etsy shop. There are so many things I wish I had known from the beginning, and I’m so happy to get to share these tips with my fellow makers in this video:) The biggest … Read more

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  • May 26, 2018
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How I Failed

You guys don’t know the half of it. My life is literally one giant failure. If you’ve read my book, Turn Your Pain Into Art, you already know I set some very huge, specific goals for myself when I was like a freaking toddler.  Seriously-I was three years old when I became heart-set on becoming … Read more

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  • May 18, 2018
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My Favorite Books of 2018

Hi loves, I’m home in Nashville after a few weeks of traveling for the international leg of the Turn Your Pain Into Art tour! After all that travel, hanging out at home and getting some much needed rest and relaxation was at the top of my list and what better way to relax then with … Read more

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